illustration | design | animation


Consistency is Overrated

Alright I really wanted to write a blog post every day but I wrote one and then just did not continue writing lol whoops! It’s okay, here I am again and I think I am ready to get into a routine since I’m now back in Florida.

My sister drove down with me and we had such a nice time— I am so grateful that she decided to conquer the 17-hour drive with me (as it’s obviously sometimes extremely monotonous and our asses hurt so bad by the end) and I feel like it was a great bonding experience for us. We had a beach day on Saturday and then went to Busch Gardens on Sunday! I was a little bit worried about Busch Gardens because of COVID and everything but the park wasn’t crowded at all and of course we wore our masks the whole time!

I was very sad to drop her off at the airport on Monday but I’m also glad to have some alone time after being around people 24/7 for the past month!

I’m really trying to mentally prepare myself for all these tasks I have regarding working and freelancing. I feel like I am behind schedule, and that sort of dull, “background” anxiety has been creeping into my brain and body. My next steps are just so jumbled in my mind, I’ve considered taking my adderall for a few days to like, wrap my brain around what I need to do. But I’m not sure I want to do that either lol…

I’m proud of myself for getting up at a normal time, showering, making breakfast and a smoothie, and writing. This is a nice start to my day and perhaps this can turn into a routine? Wouldn’t that be awesome. I just need to incorporate exercise, outside time, and like real work (* cries *) into my schedule as well. And also like a million other things okay cool.

Okay I’m going to give my smoothie my full attention and watch YouTube for like an hour BYE :)

Caisa Baumann